Waiting list

16 September 2021 06:00PM-11:30PM CESTStockholm City Hall, Stockholm, Sweden - (UTC +02:00)

Personal Invitation 

It is with great pleasure that we warmly welcome you to Founders' Gala incl. Founders Awards at The City Hall in Stockholm, Sweden on September 16, 2021 (on our twentieth anniversary). 

The City Hall is famous for its grand ceremonial halls, unique art and architecture and is the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet held on December 10 every year. It is also where Founders Alliance was officially inaugurated twenty years ago.

The celebration begins with a pre-Gala Drink in The Golden Hall at 6:00 pm (18:00) followed by a roundtable talk moderated by experienced founders. During the Founders' Gala, we will enjoy a 3-course dinner, exchange experiences and insights as we are inspired by the evening’s festivities. 

Each year Founders Alliance gives out the several distinctions of Founder of the Year at the Founders Awards. The purpose is to inspire the sustainable creation of companies by rewarding and spotlighting particularly successful companies.

To encourage long-term, sustainable and equal ownership, Founders Alliance pays attention to women and men in every step of the entrepreneurial journey and honor winners in six categories: from the young founder, through all phases of a company’s growth cycle to the founder who through a lifetime achievement has developed one or more companies, and who embodies a true role model for other founders.

At the Founders Gala we will be announcing the winners in each category, chosen by qualified founders acting as jury during the Founders' Gala, where they will receive the Growth Rings in Gold and Silver.

Warm welcome!

Program (UTC +02)

06:00 PM

Covid free Check-in, Registration & Pre Gala Drink in The Blue Hall

Upon arrival at the City Hall you will be asked to show a digital COVID vaccination certificate (of two doses), or an antigen test no older than 48 hours or an PCR test no older than 72 hours. You will find your table and seating allocation under your Personal Program in the Gala App. 

Please be on time and note that the doors to the City Hall will close at 6:30 PM.

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06:30 PM

Presentation & Round Table Talk

Presentation and Round Table Talk. We encourage in depth exchanges of experience at the table, where founders take up the challenge. 

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07:30 PM

Founders Gala & Founders Awards

The City Hall is famous for the grand ceremonial halls as well as its unique art and architecture. It is the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet held on the 10th of December every year. It is also where Founders Alliance was officially inaugurated 20 years ago.

During the Founders' Gala, we enjoy a 3-course dinner and are inspired by each other and from the participating founders on stage. 

Live broadcast starts at 7:30 PM.

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11:00 PM

Thank you!

Thank you for a wonderful evening! Stockholm City Hall will be closed at 11:30 pm.

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Official Hotel: During your stay in Stockholm, Hotel Diplomat is serving as the official meeting centre for all participants at the Founders' Gala. 

Dress Code Black Tie. For women it is a dress, trouser suit or skirt and festive top that applies. The dress can be full or medium length, but always in finer materials. For men this dress code means tuxedo or dinner jacket.

Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Waiting list

Founders Alliance at a Glance

Founders Alliance Sweden was established in 2002 by Niclas Carlsson together with fifty entrepreneurs who joined him to start a collaborative forum of large scale founders. All shared a vision for sustainable and large international corporate creation, responsible ownership with positive societal impact, the very same values that are upheld to this day. 

Founders Alliance is the premier collaborative business forum for Sweden's top founders. Its membership is comprised of over 400 high performing founders, owners in a network of 2000 companies stretching across all industries and areas of expertise. 

In 2015 Founders Alliance started the international expansion, now with 250 active large scale founders headed by 50 international founders with headquarters in 11 countries including: USA (CA), India, China (Hong Kong), United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Spain. 

Founders Alliance international members are founders of large scale international corporations, owners of other international growth companies and engaged in multiple social impact initiatives around the globe. 

The core of Founders Alliance is independent from state funding, financial actors, advisory firms and academic institutions.

For membership requests please contact niclas.carlsson@foundersalliance.com.