
06:00 PM

Check-in, Registration & Pre Gala Drink

You will find your table and seating allocation under your Personal Program in the Gala App. 

Please be on time and note that the doors will close at 7:00 PM.

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Spegelsalen, or the Hall of Mirrors, Grand Hôtel
06:45 PM

Table Seating

Time to take your seat at the table. Doors closes at 7:00 pm.

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Spegelsalen, or the Hall of Mirrors, Grand Hôtel
07:15 PM

Founders Awards Gala

During the Founders Awards Gala, we enjoy a 3-course dinner and are inspired by each other and from the participating founders on stage. 

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Spegelsalen, or the Hall of Mirrors, Grand Hôtel
11:15 PM

Afterparty The Hall of Mirrors

Afterparty until AM 01:00 at Grand Hôtel, Hall of Mirrors.

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Spegelsalen, or the Hall of Mirrors, Grand Hôtel